Daily life in CMC, Vellore

Friends and fellow photographers, this is a project I have been working on from Nov 2011 to March 2012, while I was an intern in Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore, on bahalf of my alma mater (CMC Vellore). This was about “the patients and daily life in CMC Hospital”. These images will probably be used by CMC for various promotional and possible fund-raising or fund seeking activities of Vellore,like Friends of Vellore organisations across the globe.

I am to declare that there is no financial motives behind this project and there are no conflicting interests.

Kindly give me your personal opinion on how these images make or break the cut. Some of these images might be dark or even depressing to your liking, but to say the simple truth, a hospital is not always a rosy-cosy world of hope and life. Thanking you in advance for your opinions,

Yours truly.

(Click on any image to embiggen it and use the arrow keys to browse along. It might take a while to load, do bear with it. All comments are welcome in the form of comments in the section below, emails at callmegeorgie@gmail.com and my phone no if you have it)

Daily life at CMC extends way into and out of the heartlands of Vellore. The latter half of the gallery is mostly about life outside the main CMC hospital campus, mainly the outreach programs from CMC which have a catchment population of around 1,50,000 , give or take 50,000 people. CMC sends their people to communities living in hills and tribal regions , to take care of their health facilities, as frequent as humanly possible (this may translate to once a month village visits at least). Most people are happy despite the few material things they possess and the meagre but essential health facilities that we are able to offer.

To imagine that all these stemmed from a 19 year old lady’s experience on the fateful night, leaves a heavy toll on one’s imagination. Read Dr Ida Sophia Scudder’s (and CMC’s ) inspirational and moving story here.

Thanks everyone for visiting too.

13 thoughts on “Daily life in CMC, Vellore

  1. Wow Georgie…! I’m short of words.. These are some amazing photos yar..! Great job. Plz keep it going..! 🙂

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