Color match – Imperfections #20

There was a brief moment of matching colors, but I missed it.

Olympus OMD EM10 Mark II with 45 mm f1.8.

Playing in the sun

Children playing in the sun.

Olympus OMD EM10 Mark II with 45 mm f1.8.

Being outside with mother

It has its ups and downs; this guy looks like it’s not a good day.

What do you prefer in the morning?

Coffee or tea?

A hot cuppa will definitely boost your spirit.

From Pondicherry. Nikon D3000 with 35 mm f1.8.

Sibling love

Sometimes, love is fighting for the food.

A picture of relaxation

A colourful day at the Pondicherry Promenade. Enhanced by the CCD sensor as well.

Nikon D3000 with 35 mm 1.8G.

Portrait of a young man


A family story – Imperfections #19

The cleaning ladies – BW

Cleaning ladies – in color

It was a foggy morning and they were cleaning the park.

Stay tuned for BW tomorrow.

Dogs are family

This exceptionally nice lady at Pondicherry Serenity beach obliged for a portrait with her dog, Chichu.

Nikon D3000 with 35 mm f1.8G.

Missing eyes

Sometimes, only the eyes are enough to tell a story. Sometimes.

Promenade, Pondicherry.

Nikon D3000 with 35 mm f1.8G.