The Wagah border

SONY DSCThe border between India and Pakistan might have been the bloodiest in all of history. More on it here. The people of the province of Punjab still live with the scars of it in their hearts, both sides of the border. Many poignant tales, books and life stories have got their origins from the infamous decision to divide Mother India. (I recommend the book ‘Train to Pakistan‘ to have a brief but grippingly real overview of the situation.) I have lived in the peaceful southern states all my life and I can never fully understand the magnitude of the great tragedy which happened more than 65 years ago.

Even then, every evening, at sundown, both nations’ flags are lowered in a colorful ceremony at the Wagah border, Punjab. It is about an hours ride from the city of Amritsar.

Tips for travellers: Do get there in advance – about 330 pm in winter and 4 pm in summer to get good seats. There are buses from Amritsar and the road is decent. Winter evenings can be quite chilly and it can get real windy on the way back, so keep warm clothes handy. There are no charges to watch the ceremony.

For photographers: get your 55-250 mm, or a long focal prime to get the action. A standard or wide prime for all the portraits and emotions, if you’re interested in the people side of travel. A camera which handles ISO 800-1200 decently would be a real bonus.

5 thoughts on “The Wagah border

    1. Happy new year , my friend.. Sorry for being so late with the reply..
      Coming to think of it, I’ve never thought of it that way.. Time changes things, people and places so much..

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