Extreme fever!!

No words to describe the screening of an India Pakistan match in L common room in Men’s hostel. And the best thing, India wins!!

where do we go on a sunny morning?

Its quite imperative that you take an umbrella out on a walk on a sunny Vellore morning.

the first day..

The first day at anything can be quite challenging, even internship. You manage with some sunshine, coffee and lot of friends 🙂

How do YOU read YOUR newspaper?

This post is a compilation of one full months’ worth search for images of people and newspapers, from the bus stand at Trivandrum to all the way up north till Mangalore, Karnataka.

The first newspaper was called The Relations, published by Johann Carolus from Germany in 1605. ( from Wikipedia)

From there, it has come to India as the Bengal Gazette and to countless number of homes around the world. Everyone has their own styles of reading it and this post but reveals a few I have seen. Which one is YOUR STYLE?

1.My father,  enjoying the paper with his daily cuppa, sitting n the sun in our front steps.

2. A gentleman, reading his paper at the busy Trivandrum bus station. He had enjoyed his paper with his cigarette (you can see the cigarette butt on the floor between his feet).

3.This is how you enjoy your paper, a la dandy style!

4.The man in the left enjoys his paper in the library with many  of his friends, on a sunny afternoon.

5. This gentleman seemed to be enjoying his paper at the railway station till he cam across a quaint piece of news.

6. This gent takes it a notch up, on the luggage rack in an unreserved compartment.

7. On with his paper at a century old church (CST chuch, Marthandam).

8. Who says the newspaper man doesn’t enjoy his time with the paper? (At Thampanoor bus station, trivandrum)

He even does it with coffee in front of the Indian Coffee House!

9. And a sadhu enjoys it at Mangalore railway station among all the hullaballoo going on around him. Perhaps, even this maybe a meditation.

10. This image is left blank for all of you to visualise your way,style and memories with the paper that greets the world in differnt languages,styles and colors.

Happy reading!

Cheers, Georgie

The people of Kanyakumari district

Wonderful places and wonderful people…

1.The cowherd at Mattur…. by the way, the tallest Asian aqueduct

2. The King of good times.. at Thripparappu falls

3. I can take some more of the falls… bather at same location

4. Caught between yin and yang, and on the camera too.. kid was looking for a water snake

Location: 50 m from the previous shot

5.  Caught butt staring..

6. The wave watchers at Puthalam beach

7. The pilgrims to Kanyakumari

8. The sunset watchers at the southern end of the  land..

Even the vendors, who see it 365 days a year, is captivated by the magic moment.

9. The high-in-the-sky tea master at Marthandam

10. The bored museum curator at Padmanabhapuram palace.

11. Kids tired after a long guided tour through the palace

12. The end.. we took nothing but pictures, left nothing but footprints…

Hope y’all liked it.. Show some love by putting in some good comments and criticism…

when it rains…

Its raining awesome in Trivandrum.

Looks like the heavens are running fast forward into June.

Time to take the camera and make some photographs.


Here I go,

into the rain…


Lookin at some ladies,



You know he’s a family man,

As he got his big coat on..


But some ain’t not lucky,

So just stare into the rain,



Or rush back to shelter,



Or walk real fast,

Hiding from heavens’ pelting down.



But the best part is to tell a buddy,

“C’mon, jump right on out!”



Ain’t it super, rain in June or February?

The printing press man…

Poem for the week:

Was wandering round my house when I met the man in the printing press..


Sat with him and he told me of tales, young and old..



Oh, and was he happy letting the tales take wings,



And when the time came for me to leave,


He spoke, “son, years seventy and five I’ve put in here,



When you do something in life, make sure it’s Quality.”

Left he me to ponder my business,

It being to share.

The old school…

The memories of yesteryears come flooding by when we go to our alma mater.

The times we had to.. run..

when we sat down and had lunch.. together..

when we finally had to.. leave..

The calling..

The most primitive yet most beautiful of all instincts.. When she calls, nothing else is in the way…. Tribute to all motherhood..

have a great week, y’all!

Its a wonderful morning.

Its holiday time for me here in Vellore, so wishing all of you a wonderful week ahead.

welcome to the iron man’s world

The security guy seemed pretty pleased with his job of guarding the ironworks.

At New bus stand, Vellore.

Couldn’t update the blog yesterday.


it shows.

When you are in an unfamiliar place, alone on your dad’s bike with a stranger shooting you, it shows.

In front of Mens hostel, Bagayam.